Oxford—Martin Parr

6 December–15 February, 2020

press release

Martin Parr: Oxford

  • Exhibition period: 6 December 2019 to 15 February 2020, 14h00 to 19h00
    Tuesdays to Saturdays (closed on public holidays)
  • Exhibition venue: f22 foto space, 5/F Amber Commercial Building,
    70-74 Morrison Hill Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 

Martin Parr: Oxford brings together a set of commissioned work produced in the University of Oxford, between 2014 and 2016 by Martin Parr, one of the world’s leading photographers and president of Magnum Photos from 2013 to 2017.  The images capture the day-to-day life of the colleges and university at work and at play, and the colourful rituals that are most distinctive. 

Parr spent two years to document a ‘hidden Oxford’ with his characteristically witty and unflinching eye.  Commissioned by the Bodleian Libraries and Oxford University Press, Parr’s photographs capture the quirks of university life and reveal aspects of academic communities that are rarely accessible to the outsider.

Looking behind-the-scenes at Oxford rituals, ceremonies, and traditions that still hold significance today, Parr shows students’ antics at sporting events, clubs, and societies, as well as the core university activities of research and teaching.

This body of work is being exhibited in Hong Kong for the first time at f22 foto space.  With a selection of 59 photographs, the exhibition allows us to experience university life in one of the world’s oldest and most storied universities.

This exhibition is organised with the kind support of the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.

